The varying thickness of the 8-point star kada mirrors the intricate journey of women through their professional and personal lives. Just as they navigate through different challenges and experiences, the...
Dancing is the natural rhythm to which our bodies are attuned. Long, flowy, fluid silhouettes of anarkali kurtas, when in motion, foster encouragement in the wearer and excitement in the...
This particular design holds profound significance as it bridges the gap between the valorous women warriors of ancient India and the empowered professional women of today. The etched 8-point star...
The 'dhal' or Indian shield is nearly always geometrically round, and convex in form. Much like the dhal was used to shelter from attacks, the feminine energy is a thick...
What is mightier than a sword? Sword jewellery. Back in the day, one's opulence was indicated by how ornamented their sword would be. Today, it is defined by one's jewellery....
The multidimensional sword exudes grit and valor a woman carries in her through everyday struggle. However, she is a tender soul from within, symbolized by the dainty bird nestled onto...
A star shines brightly, illuminating the night sky with its radiant glow. Similarly, the professional woman of today can relate to the star's brilliance. Just as a star stands out...
This enchanting earcuff design emerges as inspired by the 8-point star found within scriptures. This captivating design showcases a nexus pattern, mirroring the intricate connections in the life of the...